Raj Punjabi: “How the media promotes (and ignores!) health advocacy, and its implications for health social justice”

Date and Time

Tuesday, January 29 2019 at 2:30 PM CST to

Tuesday, January 29 2019 at 4:00 PM CST


Furman Hall 114

2115 W END AVE Furman Hall 114, NASHVILLE, TN

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Raj Pujabi

Wellness Editor, Tonic @ Vice Media

“How the media promotes (and ignores!) health advocacy, and its implications for health social justice”

Tuesday, January 29th, 2:30-4:00 pm, Furman Hall, Room 114

This talk will address how media shapes how we think about wellness. When it comes to racial, gender, and socioeconomic disparities especially, is what we see in the headlines reflective of the issues that need to be addressed? Social justice and health have become even more intersectional in the past few years—we’re coming together to discuss how we can use whatever tools we have to stay informed and advocate for ourselves and our communities.

Brief responses by professors:

Jonathan Metzl (MHS)

Ben Tran (English)

Aimi Hamraie (MHS)

Bonnie Dow (Communication Studies/Dean’s Office)


Student Q&A